👨‍💻 Engineering Experience

Project Lead Data Engineering @ DB Regio AG
(August 2023 - Present)

Head of Data Platform / Engineering Manager @ Otto Group data.works GmbH
(June 2021 - July 2023)

Senior Data Architect @ Otto Group data.works GmbH
(March 2019 - May 2021)

Data Architect @ Otto (GmbH & Co KG)
(June 2016 - February 2019)

(for more details, see below)

📌 On The Side

Maintainer > BigQuery Extension for Visual Studio Code

Maintainer > LaTeX Class for typesetting exercise sheets

Lecturer @ Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
(March 2013 - May 2016)

🛠 Tools of Trade

Google Cloud Platform BigQuery, AppEngine, Cloud Dataflow, Datastore, Google Kubernetes Engine, IAP, Cloud Storage

Languages Bash, SQL, Clojure, Java, Scala, Python, terraform, Typescript

Tools Visual Studio Code, Emacs ♥, git, Linux

👨‍🎓 Education

Dr.rer.nat. in Computer Science @ Universität zu Lübeck (2011-2017)
Thesis: On the Space and Circuit Complexity of Parameterized Problems

University Didactic Certificate (Level 3 / Professional) @ Universität zu Lübeck (2015)

Diploma in Computer Science @ Universität zu Lübeck (2005-2011)
Thesis: Anwendungen monadischer Logik zweiter Stufe auf Probleme beschränkter Baumweite und deren Platzkomplexität

Philips Best Bachelor Award @ Universität zu Lübeck (2013)
Award for best intermediate diploma

💬 Languages

German: native
English: C1.2

📧 Contact

Email / LinkedIn

🔍 More detailed list of things/projects/products I did/worked on in my professional career

Project Lead Data Engineering

Head of Data Platform / Engineering Manager

Senior Data Architect

Data Architect